Submissions have now closed - thanks to everyone who shared their feedback.

Paws and Reflect - The background to this proposed bylaw

Our early engagement showed a strong level of community support for introducing a Cat Management Bylaw. While the initial proposal was to require microchipping and registration on the National Companion Animal Register, we also received significant feedback (89%) in support of de-sexing also being a requirement. In response to this feedback, de-sexing has been included in the draft Cat Management Bylaw.

These are key steps in promoting responsible cat ownership and minimizing potential nuisance issues caused by cats.

The bylaw is different to feral cat management which is dealt with through our Pest Management Plan.

Microchipping and registration support cat welfare by quickly reuniting lost cats with their families, while reducing the financial burden on rescue centres. For example, when a lost cat cannot easily be identified and reunited with their family, the rescue centres and vets use valuable resources caring for the cat, trying to track down their owners and if all else fails, rehoming the cat. A quick reunion also places far less stress on a displaced cat.

De-sexing cats will reduce the number of unwanted and stray kittens, once again reducing strain on rescue centres and minimizing nuisance. A de-sexed cat is also less inclined to roam, which may reduce instances of cats becoming lost or injured, fighting, or causing issues on neighbouring properties.

What would this cost?

If your cat is already de-sexed, microchipped and on the Companion Animal Register there is no further cost.

Costs of microchipping vary and are often discounted when combined with other procedures such as registration or desexing. This is a one-off fee of around $60. This payment goes to your vet. Read more about the benefits of microchipping your pet here:

Advice & welfare: The benefits of microchipping your pet • SPCA New Zealand

Unlike with dog registration, the National Companion Animal Register is not operated through Council. This register ensures that when your pet's microchip is scanned you can be contacted by an approved agent such as a vet or the SPCA. A microchip does not automatically mean that your pet is on the register. If they are not registered only your vet will be able to identify your pet. Lost pets have been known to travel long distances and registration means they can be identified by an approved agent wherever they may end up. This can be particularly important during emergency events. Read more about the benefits of registering your pets for a one-off $15 fee here:

Companion Animals Home » Companion Animal Register

Council would not 'clip the ticket' for either of these fees. All fees go to the organisation to cover their costs.

Costs of de-sexing a cat vary, and the procedure for a male cat generally costs less. Prices are usually within the $120 - $300 range. Contact your vet to discuss what you could expect to pay for this procedure.

Find out more about the benefits of de-sexing your cat here

What about older cats?

Existing cat owners will have a transition period to allow time for them to de-sex, microchip and register any cats they already own. This is proposed to extend until 1 June 2027.

It is important to note that vets can provide exemptions to the bylaw if they consider a procedure would adversely affect the health or welfare of a cat.