
Reimagining Richmond South Engagement Round Two Extended

26 April 2022

In response to feedback received, Council has extended the second round of engagement on the future of the area south of Richmond towards Hope (Reimagining Richmond South) until 1 May 2022.

Council Planner Jeremy Butler said the extension reflects that, "we really want to gather creative ideas from across the community for how Richmond South can become a place where more people can live, work, and spend time."

Read what others suggested at the online community visioning sessions held earlier this month and add your own ideas here.

"So far this month, we’ve hosted online community visioning sessions, workshops about key topics, and webinars introducing four early concepts for Richmond South growth. Thank you to all attendees for your thoughtful feedback, ideas, and questions. We've enjoyed good conversations and look forward to continuing them," said Mr Butler

The extension means that there is still time for you to have your say using the feedback form.

What the team learn from this round will help to refine the early concepts for growth and shape a community vision. We will then come back to you in June-July to engage further on the refined concepts and possible built form. The vision for the area will guide the preferred structure plan option that will be consulted on in a few months from now.

This is an opportunity to carefully plan the Richmond South area and provide much needed housing. The final structure plan will be considered by councillors and if Council agrees, it will go through a formal plan change process.