Natural hazards (Plan Change 85) - issues and options

Feedback is now open

Have your say on our response to natural hazards in Tasman District

Community engagement for the Natural Hazards Plan Change 85 Issues and Options report is now open until Monday 5 May.

This is a significant step in updating the Tasman Resource Management Plan’s natural hazards provisions, ensuring the district is better equipped to manage the impacts of natural hazards.

The Issues and Options report outlines three key areas for each natural hazard topic: identifying the problems, defining desired outcomes, and exploring land use planning options to manage these hazards effectively.

To support this engagement, a series of District-wide “Meet the Planners" drop-in sessions will be held in 9 centres starting in Richmond on Saturday 5 April, the full schedule is available here.

At each of the drop-ins Council natural hazards scientists and planners will be available to answer questions and guide participants through the feedback process.