
Wondering about wastewater?

31 January 2025

In the continuing series of articles about Tasman’s three water systems, we now introduce the District’s wastewater treatment plants.

We own and manage eight wastewater treatment plants on behalf of the community. These eight plants serve approximately 55% of Tasman homes – the rest are either part of small privately owned schemes or managing their own septic tank or smaller system.

Contrary to the opinion of some, the wastewater system is not solely driven by the flush of toilets. The majority of wastewater created is the product of showers, baths, washing the dishes, laundry – basically anything that is not directed through the stormwater system.

Under the Local Water Done Well legislation, these Council-managed plants and the related infrastructure are poised to go across to one of the governance options provided for in the Local Water Done Well legislation along with our drinking water and stormwater systems.

The Bell Island facility servicing properties in Nelson, Richmond, Māpua and surrounding areas is jointly owned by both Tasman and Nelson Councils.

In light of the joint ownership, and as Nelson City Council is currently consulting on potential governance options, there will need to be further discussions between both councils as to the best governance option for the facility.

Check out this page for further details about the Government’s Local Water Done Well initiative, and the District’s water and wastewater treatment.