Healthy Water – Healthy Communities
Round 3 of our Mountains to the Sea engagement has now closed for feedback.
Early new year we will report back on the results of this and the next round of engagement as we work to achieve the best outcomes for our freshwater environments.
Compulsory Values | Other National Values | Additional Community Values |
Now we must describe the environmental outcome sought for each value.
Check out our 21 draft environmental outcomes and tell us what you think. Also, tell us if you think any specific environmental outcomes should apply to a particular waterbody or freshwater management unit (FMU). This option will pop up when you answer any of the questions in the form below.
The draft environmental outcomes relate to the draft Visions and Values - when the outcomes for the values are achieved, the vision is achieved.
Note: All these objectives are subject to the overarching objective for Te Mana o te Wai.
Alternatively, if you have more to say you can also send us an email at
Phone: 03 543-8400
Postal Address: 189 Queen Street, Private Bag 4,
Richmond, Nelson, 7050