Council is working to map the important structures and activities within the coastal environment as part of developing provisions to protect them and provide for ongoing use. Mapping to date includes a wide range of information from various sources and seeks to collate the wide-ranging activities, uses and structures that are located on the coastal edge and within the coastal marine area. We will be adding to this over time.

Photo of a jetty in the Tasman region

We would like to invite you and your networks to help us review and add to this information.

Can you please help us with the following:

  • Review the layers that we have used to categorise structures and activities in the map and provide commentary on any errors that you see.
  • Let us know of any missing or new information that you hold e.g. good fishing locations, surf breaks, access locations, navigation routes, anchorages, etc. Anything that you have like data layers, old maps, documents, articles etc. that the Council can use to inform the map would be helpful. You can add details of sources when you enter information for a point in the map.

  • For more information go to the Coastal and Marine Environments page, and the Coastal Environment and Coastal Natural Character page.