What we heard from you in our early engagement

Thank you to everyone who took the time to contribute to our early engagement. The results of this are shared below as a summary of the key themes we heard. To see a sample of contributions from a range of perspectives check out the links to summary documents below each of the subjects we asked for feedback on.

This feedback will all be taken into consideration as we draft the bylaw, along with advice from subject matter experts and key stakeholders.

We expect to consult on the draft bylaw later in the year. We encourage everyone to take the opportunity to submit and tell us whether we have struck the right balance at that time.

Advertising Signs on Footpaths

What are your views on the regulation of advertising signs on footpaths? Pro regulation 62% Ensure Unobstructed Passage 56% Disability Advocacy 27% Anti free standing signage 23% Health and Safety Concerns 21% Signs on road side of footpath 15%  Fairness

To see a sample of contributions from a range of perspectives read the summary document.


What are your views on the regulation of buskers? Include regulations in bylaw 76% streamline process 69% Value atmosphere buskers provide 38% time limits 21% require business permission 19% ensure space for pedestrians 17% noise limits 10% consistent rul

To see a sample of contributions from a range of perspectives read the summary document.

Collection of Donations / Lottery Tickets

What are your views on the regulation of collecting donations or selling lottery tickets? Continue to require permission 65% streamline process 15% designated locations 12% disability advocacy 12% ensure unobstructed passage 12% opposed to regulation 6% r

To see a sample of contributions from a range of perspectives read the summary document.


What are your views on the regulation of hawkers? No need to regulate 36% confusion over hawkers 24% continue to regulate 20% opposed to hawkers 12% ensure no harassment 12% guidelines rather than bylaw 4% review rules 4%

To see a sample of contributions from a range of perspectives read the summary document.

Commercial Services in a Public Place

What are your views on the regulation of commercial services in a public place? Continue to require formal agreements 56% paying for use of space is reasonable 38% affordability 26% simplify rules / process 26% value atmosphere 15% concern for competition

To see a sample of contributions from a range of perspectives read the summary document.

Mobile Traders

What are your views on the regulation of mobile traders? Simplify rules / process 59% value atmosphere mobile traders provide 34% value food safety regulations 15% designated locations 12% concern for competition with fixed businesses 12% ensure unobstruc

To see a sample of contributions from a range of perspectives read the summary document.

Outdoor Dining

What are your views on the regulation of outdoor dining? Value outdoor dining atmosphere 44% Smoke/Vape free incentive 38%Continue status quo 35% ensure unobstructed passage 17% cost concern for businesses 15% disability advocacy 10% businesses should pay

To see a sample of contributions from a range of perspectives read the summary document.

Protesting, Preaching, Assembly, Public Speaking

What are your views on the regulation of protesting, assembling, preaching and public speaking in a public place? Protect freedom of speech 57% protect freedoms of passersby 37% ensure safe passage 35% time or location limits 15% require written permissio

To see a sample of contributions from a range of perspectives read the summary document.

Trading in Parks and Reserves

What are your views on the regulation of trading in parks and reserves? Retain as commercial free zones 51% Allow exemptions for special events 27% pro trading in parks and reserves 25% allow trading at certain times or locations 16% clear guidance from C

To see a sample of contributions from a range of perspectives read our summary document.