Bylaw Review Process Complete

At its meeting on 28 November the Council adopted the amended bylaw. The new edition will take effect from 1 January 2025.

Thank you to those who participated in this process and took the time to share their views with us. These were taken into consideration and helped form the final bylaw.

Some of the changes we made based on public feedback include:

  • Adding definitions for ‘Bulk Water Supply’ and ‘Cross Connection Hazard’;
  • Clarifying that water restrictions would not be put in place without cause such as drought, emergencies or operational necessity;
  • Delegations will be recorded in the delegations register rather than in the Bylaw;
  • Various language changes to provide increased clarity and better communicate the intent behind the Bylaw.

The final version of the bylaw will be made available on this page and the Council website. Reference hard copies will also be made available at all Tasman District Council Libraries and Service Centres shortly.

Why have a Public Water Supply Bylaw?

The purpose of our public water supply bylaw is to:

  • Enable Council to provide and manage public water services
  • Protect water networks from damage, misuse, or interference
  • Protect the environment, public health, and safety
  • Provide direction on water restrictions
  • Enable the Council to meet its legislative obligations

What did we propose to change during this review?

  • Updates to align with new water legislation from central government
  • Clarification of some terms included in the definitions and interpretations section (e.g. Toby/Shut Off Valve)
  • Clarification of the conditions which need to be met for access to and work on the public water supply
  • Clarification around who has responsibility for ensuring water supply from storage tanks
  • New section regarding permission needed to take water by tanker from a swipe card operated bulk water supply station