Help us plan for the future management of our reserves

Initial feedback has now closed. Thanks to all those who shared their ideas.

WHO? Over the summer of 2023/2024 we sought your ideas for inclusion in two draft Reserve Management Plans for Richmond and Lakes/Murchison Wards*.

WHAT? Tell us which reserves you use regularly, what you value most about them, and any changes you would like to see to the way they are used or managed.

WHEN? This initial consultation round opened in December 2023 and ended on 28 March 2024.

You'll have another opportunity to make a written submission and attend a hearing once the two draft RMP documents are publicly notified (in March 2025).

WHERE? Council administers over 300 parcels of land, managed as park/reserve areas, within the Richmond and Lakes/Murchison Ward areas. View their locations on the maps linked to this page.

WHY? With the exception of Local Purpose reserves, all types of reserves under the control of/vested in an administering body (in this case, the Tasman District Council) must be covered by an approved management plan, under s41 of the Reserves Act 1977.

The first reserve management plan for Richmond Ward was adopted in 1999, and the Lakes Murchison Ward RMP was adopted in 2005. It is recommended that plans are reviewed at least once every 10 years, meaning both RMPs are well overdue for review.

HOW? Tell us ideas by:

  • using the online engagement tools on this project page (pin your ideas on the map/s, fill out the online survey)
  • filling out a hard-copy survey form (available at Council's offices in Richmond or Murchison & the Richmond Library)
  • posting us your feedback:

c/- RMP reviews, Community Policy Team, Tasman District Council,189 Queen Street, Private Bag 4, Richmond 7050.

* Note that there is a separate Reserve Management Plan for Moturoa/Rabbit, Rough and Bird Islands, which is not due for review until 2026. We are not seeking ideas for future management of these islands at this time. However, we are also seeking feedback on 'Baigents Bush Scenic Reserve, Pigeon Valley' located on the opposite side of the Wai-iti River from Wakefield Recreation Reserve. Council recently acquired this reserve area, soon after the Moutere-Waimea Ward Reserve Management Plan (2022) was adopted.