Feedback has now closed. Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts.

Draft Amendments to the Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan (relating to alcohol advertising)


The Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan was adopted in 2021 and does not permit commercial advertising of alcohol at Saxton Field (apart from price and product schedules at point of sale).

The purpose of this amendment is to enable alcohol advertising to occur for international cricket matches where a contractual sponsorship commitment is in place, while signalling a longer-term expectation to phase out all alcohol advertising. This is the only matter within the Plan which is being considered for amendment. Any other matters relating to Saxton Field or the existing Reserve Management Plan are out of scope of this consultation process.

The proposed amendments seek to find an appropriate balance between the economic, community and social wellbeing opportunities that international cricket matches bring, and the cumulative risk and harm that exposure to alcohol advertising at such events generates.

The proposal:

  • amends the introductory text of section 4.8.1 Alcohol to highlight issues relating to alcohol advertising and encourage event organisers to reduce the amount of alcohol advertising at events and avoid other in-venue promotional activities and activations;
  • add new expectation relating to working with stakeholders to develop new policy for inclusion in the next review of the Plan (by which time it would be expected that the advertising of alcohol at Saxton Field will have been phased out);
  • amend clause to clarify that players' clothing is not subject to the policy and signalling an exception in;
  • add new clause allowing temporary advertising of alcohol for international cricket events with contractual sponsorship commitments (with the approval of the Saxton Field Committee Chair and the Chief Executives of Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council).

Read the relevant changes in full.

Read the current policy, adopted in 2021.

Additional context can be found in the officer’s report to the Saxton Field Committee 16 Apr 2024 (refer p.18-31).

Proposed key consultation matters

Key consultation matters Advantages Disadvantages Options
Amending Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan to permit temporary alcohol advertising for international cricket, while signalling the expectation that alcohol advertising would be phased out by the time of the next plan review (a full review would be expected around ten years from the original adoption date of 2021).

International cricket matches are able to proceed in Nelson, giving clarity for event organisers and Councils.

Advertising of alcohol is limited to international cricket events.

Approval of alcohol advertising by the Chair and Chief Executives offers additional safeguard e.g. provides the ability to set conditions to limit exposure.

Policy provides some leadership by noting the problem with advertising alcohol and signalling an expectation that advertising of alcohol will be phased out.

Advertising of alcohol at Saxton Field adds to the cumulative exposure to alcohol advertising over time. Alcohol advertising normalises drinking and is known to influence public alcohol consumption, which can lead to health issues and harm to communities; children exposed to alcohol advertising are more likely to start drinking at a younger age.

The Councils could decide not to make these amendments (leave the plan with a ban on advertising alcohol at Saxton Field), or opt for a different amendment.

Feedback closed on 24 May 2024.

You can still read the proposed amendments here.

The Councils will inform all submitters who supplied their contact details of the final decisions.

A hearing will take place on 7 June 2024.

For more information contact Tasman District Council on 03 543 8400.

A note about submissions

Public information: All submissions (including your name and contact details) will be provided to Council workers for administration and analysing feedback, and to those who are involved in decision making on the consultation.

All submissions, including submitter names (unless you request otherwise) but not contact details, will be publicly available online. The body of your submission and any attachments will not be checked for personal information and it should be assumed that anything included in these will be made public.

Note: Council is subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and a request for official information may cover your submission, including your address and other contact details.

Note: A total of up to five minutes per person (and up to 10 minutes per organisation) is allocated to those wishing to speak to their submissions at the hearing.