Students call for improved road safety

Some Richmond youngsters are taking a keen interest in road safety and what can be done to improve it.

Members of our project team visited Richmond School recently to hear their views and discuss actions that could be used to improve road safety in the area.

The students came up with a list of barriers preventing them from walking and cycling to school, which included vehicle speed, lack of visibility around parked cars and the volume of traffic before and after school on some streets.

Our project team also came away with a letter from the Richmond School Student Council saying that some children are not able to walk to school by themselves along Wensley Road because it is busy and there aren’t enough places to cross safely.

They asked that the concerns they’ve raised are included in any planning for potential improvement work on Wensley Road.

Their suggestions included improving pedestrian crossings, removing some car parks and creating ways of slowing traffic at certain points on the road.

In the meantime, you can share your thoughts about Wensley Road in our safety survey - Click here to share your thoughts.

Richmond School Students