Job Done - William Street work fits the bill
Richmond’s first Transport Choices government funded project has wrapped up.
We worked with WSP NZ, and Isaac Construction to deliver the project in William Street neighbourhood.
Its focus was making the neighbourhood safer for children moving through the area accessing one of the many local schools and kindergartens.
It has achieved this by installing wider shared paths, asphalt raised crossings, and through the modification of intersections in the area.
Daily, there are up to 3,000 school aged children using the area, and one of the main focuses of the project was to reduce the speed of vehicles travelling through the roads in this area, this has been achieved with the installation of asphalt raised tables.
During the construction phase, Isaac Construction created seven asphalt raised table crossing points, 250 metres of new kerb and channel, more than 2000 square metres of new pathways/driveways, four raised concrete pedestrian refuges, and finally a dozen new pedestrian crossing lights.
Feedback from users so far has been positive with many parents welcoming the new safer environment for their youngsters travelling to and from school.
Click images to enlarge.
Into the final phase December 2023
Isaac Construction is moving into the final phase of improvement work in the William Street neighbourhood in Richmond.
The shared path extension is now complete between Hill Street and Gilbert Street and crews are working on the next stages of this shared path extension, towards Salisbury Road.
At the intersections of Gilbert Street and in Hill Street, asphalt raised pedestrian crossings are being constructed, along with several drainage improvements, kerb build outs, and replacement of footpaths.
New temporary traffic layout from 04 December
From Monday 4 December both the shared path extension and intersection safety improvements will begin and take about three weeks to complete.
This means William Street between Salisbury Road and Edward Street will be closed. Residents in this area will get access their properties from the Edward Street end of the site, and that access will always be maintained.
Click the map to enlarge
Full Access through Christmas
Looking ahead there will be two-way traffic across the entire project area during the Christmas shut down from 23 December until 7 January, however sections of footpath may remain closed.
Phase two update 06 November 2022
The William Street project is progressing well and there is a minor change to traffic flows.
The Isaac Construction crew will be continuing with the shared path widening, working between Gilbert Street and Edward Street.
The teams will also continue to finish off the previously started Gilbert Street intersection raised crossing and intersection build outs ... And finally, once the drainage work on Hill Street is completed, the teams will complete the intersection improvements and raised table construction on Hill Street.
From Tuesday 07 November the one way system will be extended down to Edward Street - vehicles will still be able to travel down William Street towards Salisbury Road.
Click on the map below for details
Phase two is happening.
The next phase in the William Street neighbourhood upgrade is underway which means there are changes to traffic flows in the area.
The Churchill Avenue intersection with Hill Streets will be closed for about three weeks while the intersection is being reconstructed.
We have also installed traffic lights on Hill Street for the same three-week period.
William Street will be down to one way toward Salisbury up to the intersection with Gilbert Street. This means traffic coming up William Street will detour around Roeske Street and on to Queen Street.
Gilbert Street residents will need to use Sutton Street to get to their properties.
Thanks for your patience. We understand this is a disruption for some people. Please bear with us because it’ll be worth it in the end.
Click the map below to enlarge
William Street construction starts.
There are several changes to traffic flows as we launch into the William Street safety upgrades.
In stage one, which is now underway, we are building raised pedestrian crossings on Gilbert Street and associated kerb build outs.
We also have a second crew working on William Street between Hill Street and Gilbert Street beginning to construct the new shared pathway extension.
This work is expected about five weeks and during this time there will be a closure on Gilbert Street and William Street from Hill Street to the Gilbert intersection will be one way westbound.
There will be detours via side streets for eastbound traffic.
Residents will always have access to their properties. There will pedestrian access at all times just follow the signs.
Click the image below to enlarge
Safety improvements for William Street and side streets.
William Street plays a vital role in creating an inclusive, safe, vibrant, and sustainable neighbourhood. We want it to be a great area to live in where everyone can easily move around using a variety of transport options.
By improving safety, particularly around schools, we’re ensuring everyone including our rangatahi (young people) can move around safely by walking, scooting, biking or whichever way they choose.
We heard you!
Our first Richmond Transport Choices project is about to hit the street, and we’ve already made changes thanks to feedback from the community.
One contentious issue that arose after talking to people about the planned project was the proposed trial of a no right turn out of William Street on to Salisbury Road. Many people expressed concerns about that idea, so we investigated ways of making changes while ensuring improved safety at that intersection.
The project team went back to the drawing board and redesigned the layout, and that no right turn has now been dropped.
Isaac Construction is doing the work for us. They plan to start early next month and finish by February 2024.
Residents who may be affected by construction work during the project will be contacted directly but if you have any other questions, please call the site manager from Isaac Construction, Jack Whittle on 027 938 5690.
New intersection layout.

This is the revised layout for the intersection of William Street and Salisbury Road. Click image to enlarge
Click the images to enlarge