Deciding how to manage traffic during construction.

During site preparation for the construction of this vital piece of infrastructure, Lower Queen Street will be closed for one week with diversions and traffic management in place.

This closure is needed for pre-construction work which will include moving services including water and power that currently pass under the structure.

We will use data collected through monitoring and traffic counts during the one-week closure to inform the Mayor and Councillors for their decision-making process.

There are two traffic management options being considered for the full construction period.

Option A – build the slip road around the work site on Lower Queen Street to keep the road open - it will cost the project approximately $1 million more but allow vehicles to travel through the area at reduced speed.
  • There will still be short periods when the road will still need to be closed. These are likely be scheduled outside peak hours or at night.
  • A slip road around the site will have to meet full road construction standards to provide a quality surface for all users, particularly heavy vehicles.
  • Constructing the slip road will add about three months to the project which means completion will be approximately September 2026.

Option B – close Lower Queen Street. This would save the project up to $1 million and shorten the duration of work by several months by diverting traffic along adjacent roads.
  • This option will potentially increase travel times slightly for users who will need to use alternative routes.
  • There will be restrictions to stop heavy vehicles using Berryfield Drive.
  • Without the requirement to build a slip road, the project timeframe will be shortened by about three months with a forecast finish date of around June 2026.