During October and November 2020, we asked people to share local environmental and development issues and opportunities they see in Tasman using the virtual feedback board below. The board also includes feedback given at our 21 community-based events.
What we have received covers some big topics including freshwater, biodiversity, air quality, marine environment, natural hazards, and climate change - as well as our rural areas, towns and local centres and coastal places.
See what others have to say. If you like what you see, give it a thumbs up!
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14 December, 2020
Susie says:
Orchardists should chip prunings and use as mulch - not burn them.
Outdoor fires adversely affect all nearby people and produce co2
14 December, 2020
Tess says:
I support Te Waikoropupu Springs having the highest level of protection possible.
14 December, 2020
Tess says:
I would like to see continued and increased priority go into protecting our biodiversity and natural ecosystems.
14 December, 2020
Tess says:
I would like to see it easier to live in a tiny or mobile home in the TDC district, as a way for people to have more affordable homes.
14 December, 2020
Tess says:
I would like to see urgent and bold action/leadership taken by TDC on climate change solutions so to help avoid the worst effects of it.
14 December, 2020
Roy says:
Population growth is not positive nor sustainable. The Tasman Environment Plan should acknowledge that.
14 December, 2020
Gaza says:
With the huge over cost of the dam please do not overspend on feel-good projects. Now is the time for the necessary; for low rate increase
14 December, 2020
Jo says:
Have clear fire mitigation measures e.g. forestry proximity limits to settlements, discourage & take out eucalyptus, firebreak enforcements.
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Value car parking spaces properly both public & private. Reduce the dominance of car-centric infrastructure & individual car ownership.
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Be good ancestors. We need to orient & upskill the youth to that too. They must shape and inherit the future and their children likewise.
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Make people think in longer horizon times. Possible contexts 10 years, 20 & 30 years out. No fossil fuel cars, coastal inundation etc.
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Share more data on state of rivers, their health & implications of using aquifers that are not replenished at rate they are being used.
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Use Te Taio principles of sustainability incl. any use is a privilege, not a right and natural world must be able to thrive without overuse.
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Concentrate on reducing transport emissions e.g. public transport, carsharing, e-bikes, walking, supermarket deliveries, prime bike parking.
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Look behind the farm/forest gate for opportunities for alternatives to fossil fuel vehicles like petrol quadbikes & get the data to inform.
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Support home & community garden food production & food preservation.
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Improve transport, health, education & recreational services & facilities for rural settlement like Tapawera to address all age requirements
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Concentrate affordable housing stock increase to low productive land and in existing settlements & focus for small footprint communities.
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Reduce digital divide by ensuring all areas have good internet access and unfamiliar users are supported to do more online & save carbon.
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Future water permits should be linked to value of the water use; with criteria for food production, local employment, community benefit etc.
14 December, 2020
Matthew says:
Encourage & support local catchment groups as a way of better looking after freshwater resources and of establishing resilient communities.
13 December, 2020
Joan says:
Tarakohe Quarry. Nationally and locally important hard rock resource. Used locally for harbour works, road works & by the building industry
13 December, 2020
Chris says:
No more new housing on our top quality agricultural soils.
13 December, 2020
Dave says:
Use recycled materials for footpaths. Concrete releases vast amounts of CO2 & PM10, and has the worst injury risk of any surface for falls.
13 December, 2020
Jack says:
Rural/resadential zoning is going to become key for Tasman! Let the suburbs grow! Once that’s done Future proof the Roading!?
12 December, 2020
Sonja Lamers says:
encourage owners of land to develop land in a timely manner or change rates policy "to disincentivise holding vacant land". See Christchurch
12 December, 2020
Sonja Lamers says:
Please forbid covenants that have minimum house sizes in new subdivisions as we need more smaller 1 and 2 bedroom homes that are affordable
12 December, 2020
Dave says:
We need real consultation on this & other plans. Get beyond sticky-notes and tweets and let us submit proper ideas - then listen to them!
12 December, 2020
Dave says:
As countless studies have shown, walking dogs keep people fit and improves wellbeing and happiness. Make more areas in Tasman dog-friendly.
12 December, 2020
Ann says:
All TDC planning needs a basis in environmental protection to address climate change issues. Our actions affect the planet, not just Tasman.
12 December, 2020
Dave says:
The Plan is full of fine words, but to improve things you need clear and quantified targets - and to measure yourself against them.
12 December, 2020
Dave says:
Burning of residues by orchardists/vineyards is a major & needless source of air pollution & adds to CO2 emissions. It needs to be stopped.
12 December, 2020
David says:
Money isn't king. Developments shouldn't go ahead just because landowners want them. They have to be environmentally & socially beneficial.
12 December, 2020
David says:
Tree protection. Trees offset emissions. Stop removing them for so-called safety reasons; protect and plant them as part of new developments
12 December, 2020
David says:
The big issue is climate change. TDC's duty is to take real action that reduces Tasman's emissions. #1: make all new developments C-neutral
12 December, 2020
Rose Windle says:
We believe due the oncoming climate changes, Takaka township should develop on the Southern edges of town rather than the Northern edges