They enable us to move around, work, play and live successful, healthy lives. While both matters have significant benefits, they can also have significant adverse effects. Infrastructure and energy play important roles in responding to climate change, urban growth, and community resilience.

Did you know?

Many types of infrastructure are defined as critical lifeline infrastructure due to the important role they play in enabling the region and country to function during a major natural hazard event. This includes networks providing electricity, fuel supply, telecommunications/broadcasting, transport (roads, ports and aerodromes) and water, sewer and stormwater.

  • The benefits of renewable energy generation and efficient use of energy needs greater recognition.
  • Renewable energy generation can have adverse effects that need to be managed.
  • Renewable energy generation activities need to be able to operate efficiently.
  • Infrastructure needs to be resilient to natural hazards and climate change effects.
  • Infrastructure has a wide range of benefits for people and the environment that require greater recognition.
  • Infrastructure can have adverse effects on the environment that require management.
  • Adverse effects from infrastructure can be more important in areas with significant values to the community or environment.
  • Infrastructure needs to be able to operate and be maintained.
  • The region is growing. Infrastructure and growth need to be planned in a coordinated way.

We propose the new plan:

  • Encourages infrastructure to be resilient to natural hazards and climate change.
  • Encourages renewable energy generation and infrastructure activities so that benefits occur including responding to climate change.
  • Manages the adverse effects of energy and infrastructure activities, with a particular focus on areas of significant values.
  • Allows energy and infrastructure activities to operate in the region.
  • Plans for infrastructure and urban growth in a coordinated way.
  • Recognises the importance of regionally and nationally significant infrastructure.
  • Works with national legislation relating to energy and infrastructure for consistency and to avoid double ups.