Urban environments are diverse places that bring together a wide range of activities, such as shops, commercial services with some living opportunities in our town centres, residential areas where we mainly live, parks, reserves, waterways and floodways, and industrial areas (usually on the edge of the town). Then there are the transport networks and linkages (road paths) that enable our urban areas for function.

These are towns and villages that have a variety of homes that meet the needs of Māori, and different households.

In Tasman, we are striving to create well-functioning urban environments in our towns and villages that:

  • have a variety of homes that meet the needs of Māori, and different households
  • provide a variety of sites for businesses
  • have good accessibility for all people between places of living, work, and recreation
  • use land efficiently and support development markets to achieve affordability
  • support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, and
  • are resilient to natural hazards and the effects of climate change.

Did you know?

  • Tasman District has around 16 towns and villages, plus a large number of other residential clusters in mainly rural locations.
  • In the Tasman Resource Management Plan, our urban places are called “settlements”. We have decided to describe them as “towns and villages” as we create the Tasman Environment Plan. We think this better reflects where our urban environments are at.
  • Low impact design means the use of design solutions that reduce the impact of any development on natural resources and processes. In particular, Low Impact Design approaches to stormwater management can be used to protect, incorporate or mimic natural drainage conditions. This also includes minimising impervious surface cover, enhancing natural eco-systems and vegetation.
  • Inclusionary zoning means imposing requirements on developers to incorporate affordable housing as part of market-driven developments.

  • Tasman is experiencing high levels of urban growth and demand for land for housing and business.
  • There is no policy that describes how towns and villages relate to one another, or how they interrelate.
  • In our bigger towns there is no policy that describes the function of each of the business centres, and how they relate to one another.
  • Retail activities are coming under increasing pressure, and we need to think about how our towns and villages can adapt and change.
  • Design guidance for our towns and villages is out of date and limited.
  • As towns and villages grow and change, they can lose their distinctive sense of place, identity and character.
  • The range of housing choice in Tasman is limited and increasingly, for many residents, housing is unaffordable.
  • Climate change presents both issues and opportunities for how our towns and villages will function in the future.

We propose the new plan:

  • Implements the Future Development Strategy 2022 by rezoning new residential and business land in locations that are resilient to climate change.
  • Considers the role of business centres within the Tasman-Nelson region and develops a business centre hierarchy. For larger urban centres (Richmond, Motueka, and possibly Tākaka) develop a hierarchy of central and suburban / neighbourhood business centres.
  • Updates the urban design guidance and strengthens the requirements to comply with it for new development. Also updates the low-impact design principles.
  • Describes the key features and landscapes that contribute to the character, sense of place and identity of the towns and villages, and preserves those features and landscapes where that is appropriate.
  • Develops a “Medium Density Residential Zone” to allow greater housing density.
  • Provides for higher-density residential development in or next to town centres which minimises the need for people to travel by car and promotes the use of public transport, walking and cycling.
  • Investigates the introduction of ‘inclusionary zoning’ for specified locations and/or for every development above a certain size.
  • Supports Council to partner with and/or support local housing providers to provide affordable housing.