Port Tarakohe is a highly valued local asset. There is strong interest from the community, landowners, iwi, recreation, industry and environmental advocates to create a balanced, sustainable and thriving Port.
To help this happen Council is in the process of developing a Spatial Plan for the Port which is a high level document which proposes how different areas of the port should be managed and developed into the future.
Earlier this year Council undertook a round of engagement with iwi, port users and the community on a draft Issues and Options paper. The draft Issues and Options paper was based on feedback received from the community on prior proposed developments and the engagement at the beginning of the year (2024) enabled gaps in knowledge to be filled. It should be noted that through this process there was a reduction in the area the Spatial Plan applied to and a change in name.
We are now at the next stage where a draft Spatial Plan has been prepared for Port Tarakohe and we are asking for feedback on the three Objectives and Actions which seek to achieve the Objectives. Have we got it right?
You can find a copy of the draft Spatial Plan and further information using the top right links. Give us your feedback using the form below.
After this round of engagement, the draft Spatial Plan will be amended and then adopted by Council.
The Spatial Plan contains a list of actions/ projects that Council needs to complete to achieve the objectives for Port Tarakohe. These actions/projects e.g. drafting of the reserve management plan will provide the finer detail of what needs to happen at the Port and where. There will be continuing opportunities for you to give feedback on these projects. Some of the actions/projects have already started e.g. plan change drafting, some are programmed to begin in the next financial year, and others need to be programmed into the Long Term Plan.