There are a range of potential effects on the amenity values and character of the wider area from activities occurring in (or being established in) the proposed Structure Plan area.These include:

  • Increased traffic with associated safety and noise impacts.
  • Changes to the visual character of the area related to new buildings and land uses.
  • Reverse sensitivity between new/expanded Port and support activities and residential dwellings in the wider area.
  • Light spill or noise impacts from activities on the environment and residents.

Key issues in providing for amenity values include:

Current and future spatial and activities issues

New and expanded activities need to be located in a way that avoids impacts as much as possible on the environment and residents. Expand for detail:

New and expanded activities need to be located in a way that avoids impacts as much as possible on the environment and residents.

New buildings need to be located sensitively in relation to the surrounding landform and activity patterns.

Controls will be needed on the nature of activities to minimise effects e.g. the design and location of lighting, noise generating activities and traffic numbers.

Response to Issues

There are a range of responses that would address many of the issues identified in the Report.

You can read more about the Planning, Reserve Status, Local Government/ Long Term Plan, Port Development, and Support Activity responses.