TC Richmond logo

We have bold plans for road safety and transport improvements in Richmond.

Our current ways of living are harming our environment, our communities, and our ways of moving around. We see this every day with extreme weather events, unhealthy environments, and increased costs of living.

No matter where we live, we should be able to move easily around Richmond in ways that help us to protect our climate.

Transport Choices aims to demonstrate what’s possible for communities across Aotearoa New Zealand, by quickly providing people with more transport options, and making it easier and more affordable to travel in ways that are good for all of us and our environment.

Transport Choices is an investment package for local councils to begin immediate work for reduction of emissions, as part of the emissions reduction plan released in May 2022.

How is it funded?

The Government has funded $350 million for the Transport Choices package from the Climate Emergency Response Fund, part of Budget 2022.

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There’s a lot about to happen on the streets of Richmond

Our government-funded Transport Choices programme is about to kick off.

Over the next 12 to 18 months, we are embarking on an extensive programme building 19 new pedestrian crossings plus several intersection upgrades including new and redesigned roundabouts.

We're even building new covered cycle parks and improving bus stops to make way for the new extended public bus routes.

This is in addition to the government-funded Streets for People programme which is also currently happening in Richmond and Mapua.

The Streets for People programme aims to make it easier and faster to create more people-friendly streets with $2.4m in government money being injected into Richmond to create a network of safe walking and cycling spaces in our streets.

The Transport Choices Fund is part of the Government’s Climate Emergency Response Fund, $350m has been distributed to councils to take a broader approach to improve road safety and transport options.

Because there are so many individual projects within the Transport Choices programme, we’ve put together a special interactive online map that shows you what we are doing and where we are doing it.

Just click on the icon below and you’ll get an explanation about each piece of work.

Get interactive - click the link below

To assist you in getting an idea of what is planned and where it's going to be built, we've put together an interactive map of the project area that you can access by clicking the button below.

Once the map has loaded you can zoom in, move around and click on the individual icons for details of what we're planning.

Click the key in the top right-hand corner of the map, which looks like this to get details of individual works.

Queen st roundabout