Person accessing information on a table while standing in a library

Waahi maps

We have divided the Tasman District into 7 areas using a mountain-to-sea ki uta ki tai approach.

Below are the maps showing each area with their geographical features, as well as local topics of interest.

Efficiency and Effectiveness Evaluations

Over 2019 and 2020 Council staff evaluated the objectives and policies of the Tasman Regional Policy Statement (TRPS) and Tasman Resource Management Plan (TRMP). The purpose of this review was to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the provisions contained within these plans. It helps us understand if the TRPS and TRMP provisions are doing what they’re meant to do.

This evaluation process is a fundamental step in the policy review cycle and a requirement of the Resource Management Act 1991. It informs good quality plan-making and helps maintain confidence and integrity in the process. The results of this evaluation will inform the review of the TRPS and TRMP.

National Policy Statement on Urban Development - Nelson Tasman Joint Monitoring Report

Further resources can be accessed from each theme page.