There are a range of potential effects on the amenity values and character of the wider area from activities occurring in (or being established in) the proposed Structure Plan area.These include:
- Increased traffic with associated safety and noise impacts.
- Changes to the visual character of the area related to new buildings and land uses.
- Reverse sensitivity between new/expanded Port and support activities and residential dwellings in the wider area.
- Light spill or noise impacts from activities on the environment and residents.
Key issues in providing for amenity values include:
Current and future spatial and activities issues
New and expanded activities need to be located in a way that avoids impacts as much as possible on the environment and residents. Expand for detail:
Controls will be needed on the nature of activities to minimise effects e.g. the design and location of lighting, noise generating activities and traffic numbers.
Response to Issues
There are a range of responses that would address many of the issues identified in the Report.