Richmond on the Rise title

Richmond Spatial Plan

Richmond Spatial Plan - Summary

The Richmond Spatial Plan sets the strategic direction and vision for how growth and development can occur in the town. The Plan sets a framework to enable growth within the existing urban area, while reducing sprawl into the surrounding area.

The Plan Is needed to meet housing for the predicted growth of 2,700 people in the next ten years, and 6,300 people in thirty years. However, the Spatial Plan is not just about housing, but also the integrated planning strategies and projects that will be needed to accommodate growth, such as for parks, transport and enhancing our town centres.

Richmond Spatial Plan - Town Centre

The Richmond town centre plays a pivotal role in the economic, social and cultural wellbeing of Tasman. Providing a vibrant heart to Richmond is also crucial for the success of the wider intensification efforts. This town centre plan sets out the key interventions needed in the town centre.

Richmond Spatial Plan - Technical Document

This full document contains more information about the process for putting together the RSP. It sets out the plan and the key moves and interventions in greater detail.

Richmond is growing

Whenever we talk to people who live, work and play in the Waimea Plains area of the Tasman region, we hear one message repeatedly:

The population in the Nelson-Richmond urban area has been growing steadily, and is expected to keep growing for many years.

A lot of work has been done in the Tasman and Nelson districts to understand and plan for future growth, and this project, called 'Richmond on the Rise!' focusses on planning for growth within Richmond. The plan will start to be implemented next year (2024) and will cover the next thirty years.

What are our options for the future?

There are only two options to handle future growth in Richmond – expand outwards or increase density within the existing urban area. Realistically we need to do both - make better use of the urban areas we already have, and then extend urban areas where appropriate.

There is a limit to the amount of expansion of the Richmond area that is sustainable without negatively affecting both residents and the environment.

We need to plan to increase the number of people that can live in some areas of Richmond and provide more variety in the housing that is available and then look at a few new developments, in the right places, at the edges of Richmond’s urban areas.
Mixed use buildings with two storey apartments above shops

What if we don't do this?

If we don’t plan well now, the consequences are loss of productive land, increasing negative climate change effects, increasing cost of infrastructure and rates, and a lack of housing choices.

The result would be that Richmond would become a less and less attractive place to live.

Richmond On The Rise! is?

Richmond on the Rise is the name of the community engagement programme that has underpinned the development of the Richmond Spatial Plan.

It builds on the high-level direction provided through the Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy.

This plan combines everything we need to think about if we want Richmond to be a nicer place to live in the future, including:

  • Making Richmond town centre a more vibrant and attractive place to be.
  • Options for growing commercial areas, including mixed use commercial, office and residential buildings in the Richmond centre.
  • Increase the number of people that can live in Richmond and make more housing choices available to them, including more one- or two-bedroom homes, potentially in apartments, townhouses and terrace houses.
  • Upgrade and create community and neighbourhood facilities and centres that meet some needs, without having to travel into the town centre.
  • Improving and creating more green open spaces.
  • Upgrading transport options.
  • Ensuring infrastructure can cope with more residents and the impacts of climate change.

You can get more detail on what we are proposing for All of Richmond here:

And you can get more detail on what we are proposing for the Richmond Town Centre here:

Thanks for your feedback.

Thanks to all those who shared their feedback in 2023.

What area does this Plan cover?

The area that is included in the planning of Richmond On The Rise is shown below.

Richmond On The Rise Webinar #1 12/09/2023

Thank you for helping us plan the best future for Richmond.