Read the submissions

You can read the full list of submissions here. Those who indicated that they wished to speak in support of their submission will do so before the Joint Nelson Tasman Regional Transport Committee on 29 and 30 April.

Feedback has now closed

We had feedback from over 2200 people - thanks to everyone for taking the time to share their thoughts.

Our consultation on reducing local speed limits has now closed but we need to acknowledge the change in Government policy, particularly as any changes need NZTA Waka Kotahi approval.

Councils are still able to reduce harm on our roads through speed management plans and infrastructure improvements.

The Government hasn’t set new rules for setting speed limits yet, but it has indicated a desire that, in addition to safety, the economic impacts and the views of road users and local communities should be considered when speed limits are set. This is what we are doing and we still want to hear from road users and local communities before making any final decisions.

It is fantastic to have local input so we can tailor the speed management plan to reflect what the community wants.

Based on the feedback recieved, the Joint Regional Transport Committee will make its recommendation to Tasman District and Nelson City Councils in the following months.

What’s the link between speed and safety on our roads?

Irrespective of the cause of a crash, speed is the difference between someone being unharmed or being seriously injured or killed. A small change in speed makes a big difference especially when cyclists or pedestrians are involved.

More people die on our roads per head of population than in similar countries. The current speed limits may be too high in relation to the design and features of the road. Even when people are obeying the legal limit, they may not have enough time to respond when something unexpected happens.

Impact of crashes

Setting safe speed limits to what a human body can survive is important. Setting safe speed limits where people walking and cycling mix with vehicles, like in town centres and around schools is essential to reducing death and serious injury. The social cost of crashes is estimated at $12.5 million per fatality and $660,000 per serious injury. In Nelson Tasman, 73% of fatal and serious crashes in urban areas involved cyclists, pedestrians or motorcyclists between 2013-2022). The social cost of deaths and serious injuries has been $429 million on our local roads over the past ten years. The internationally accepted speed to greatly reduce the chances of a pedestrian being killed or seriously injured is 30km/h.

Get more crash data and information for our region.

Table showing risk percetages

Creating a Speed Management Plan

The way speed limits are set has changed. Limits are now set through a Speed Management Plan rather than a bylaw.

A Speed Management Plan sets the direction for 10 years with an implementation plan reviewed every three years.

Tasman District and Nelson City Councils are consulting on a draft Speed Management Plan to come into force for 2024.

This is an opportunity to influence safety with input into the appropriate speeds on the whole transport system across Nelson and Tasman.

Why safe and appropriate speeds?

Safe and appropriate speeds are fundamental to improving safety, saving lives, and preventing debilitating injuries. Higher vehicle speeds increase the probability of a crash in several ways:

  • By reducing the ability of a driver/vehicle to stop in time
  • By reducing manoeuvrability to evade a problem
  • By reducing the driver’s field of vision
  • By causing other drivers to misjudge gaps

Safe and appropriate speeds are about achieving safe vehicle speeds that reflect the road’s function, design, safety, and use. People and goods need to move efficiently around our transport network and we also need to see a reduction in deaths and serious injuries on the network. Other benefits gained from the implementation of appropriate vehicle speeds include enabling more active ways in how we get to where we need to go such as letting children walk or bike to school.

Consultation options

We know there is no ‘one size fits all’ option for urban, rural, and rural residential areas. By providing a range of options, we will have flexibility to tailor the final outcome taking onboard the views of the community.
  • Urban area options

    There are four options proposed to be used in urban areas. We'd like to know what you think of them.

    Find out more 
  • Rural area options

    There are four options proposed to be used in rural areas. We'd like to know what you think of them.

    Find out more 

See it on the map

Use this interactive map to zoom in on your neighbourhood for more detailed information.

If you need further explanation of any symbols or details on the map, check out this quick summary or the more in-depth guide.

Update- December 19, 2023: There was an error on our initial map which was brought to our attention and we have since amended. We have created an amendment document to highlight the changes which can be found under the Useful Documents section of this page- titled 'Correction Document.

Myths and misconceptions