What's happening in Lakes-Murchison?

Explore the zones for dog control areas in Lakes-Murchison using the map below. Each zone is colour coded for easy reference:

    Green: Controlled Exercise Area
    Yellow: Leash Control Area
    Red: Dogs Prohibited
    Purple: Time or Seasonal Restrictions
  • Dogs are generally required to be under leash control in urban areas unless stated otherwise.
  • If a non urban area (such as a beach) has not been zoned, it is still subject to the requirements of the Dog Control Act 1996. This means dogs must be under control at all times but there are no specific leash requirements.

    Much of the land in the Lakes-Murchison Ward is controlled by DOC, who are responsible for making decisions about where dogs can go in these areas.

    Previous Bylaw

    The previous bylaw is still active until the new bylaw comes into effect on 31 March 2025.

    You can see zoning of the previous bylaw in the map below, or view the complete bylaw on the project home page.

    Changes between the previous bylaw and the incoming bylaw

    Riverside Holiday Park

    Current: Dogs Prohibited

    New: Not included in bylaw – managed by campground policy.

    Tasman's Great Taste Trail

    Most of Tasman's Great Taste Trail is proposed as a leash control area.

    Under the previous Great Taste Trail Bylaw, certain sections prohibited dogs due to resource consent requirements, forestry or agreements with landowners. These areas will now be prohibited under the Dog Control Bylaw.

    The following areas in the Lakes Murchison Ward will continue to prohibit dogs:

    • 4953 Motueka Valley Highway to Quail Valley Road
    • South side of Quail Valley Road Bridge to entrance to 437 Wakefield-Kohatu Highway