Feedback on other Transport Issues

Over fifty people made other transport-related comments in their submissions. We received some requests from different townships requesting improved street scaping. However, this was not considered a priority for funding at this time given the financial constraints.

There were many suggestions about horse riding and access to trails which covered roads, Council-owned forestry areas, and reserves. We have not made specific changes to our Plan in response however, we will work with interest groups on potential options to improve opportunities for horse riding.

Through early engagement with the community and the annual residents survey we heard a lot of feedback highlighting areas for improvement in our transportation programme.

We have anticipated receiving substantial funding ($184 million adjusted for inflation, over 10 years) for our transport programmes from Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), however there is uncertainty about the level of support we will receive. The next three topics focus on road maintenance, public transport and active modes of transport.

Hope Bypass responsibility

During our early engagement we heard a strong message from the community that traffic congestion was a concern, particularly in Richmond. There were many requests for the Hope Bypass to be implemented as a priority. As a state highway, this project is led and funded by NZTA. Both Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council have advocated for this project and the government has indicated in principle its support.