Tasman's 10-Year Plan is live!

Check out the full documents for everything you need to know.

Tasman's 10-Year Plan was adopted on 27 June 2024.

The decisions we made

We've added a summary of the feedback we received and our decisions on each of the choices we consulted on. Use the links below to find out more.

Choice 1: Financial Sustainability

Choice 2: Transport

Choice 3: Climate Change and Resilience

Choice 4: Investing in Community Facilities

Other issues we consulted on - includes the Revenue and Financing Policy, Development and Financial Contributions Policy, Rates Remission Policy, Policy on Postponement and Remission of Rates on Māori Land, Community Facilities Funding Policy and the Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2024/2025.

Thanks to everyone who shared their feedback.

We received 1,059 submissions. A summary of the submissions was reported to the Council meeting on 23 May.

View all submissions:

You can also search for an individual submission, including any attachments.

Hearings for those who have requested to speak to their submissions were held on 8, 9 and 10 May in Richmond, Tākaka and Motueka and via Zoom.

The Council will deliberate on all submissions received at their meetings on 23, 24, 29 & 30 May.

Take a look at the key choices for our District below.

Your investment, your future

Your investment in our District paves the way for continued progress, with efficient transport that gets you where you need to be, however you choose, and creates thriving and resilient communities.

Our proposed Plan is to largely retain and maintain the existing services and facilities your investment provides. We have carefully assessed all our activities and budgets, considered the impacts, the risks involved and the long-term costs of reducing them. On balance we do not feel that making substantial service reductions is in the best interests of our community.

We plan to increase the maintenance of our sealed roads to stem the decline in their condition experienced over the last few years.

Our proposed Plan supports growth and development in our District, in line with the Future Development Strategy. A significant programme of investment in water supply, wastewater, and stormwater services, along with transport and parks infrastructure is provided for. The growth-related infrastructure programme is funded by developers who benefit from it.

Climate change is an existential threat to our District and we need to play a role in responding to it. We have integrated responses to climate change across our services and will continue to act to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

We plan to have the capability and capacity to be good custodians of the District’s environment and natural resources, supporting biodiversity and biosecurity.

Finally in our proposed plan we are putting your community’s wellbeing front and centre, providing new community facilities.

Three years ago, when we adopted the 2021 – 2031 10-Year Plan, we were recovering from the impacts of COVID, dealing with the likelihood of significant central government directed change in three waters (water supply, wastewater and stormwater) infrastructure delivery and changes to resource management legislation.

During that time Tasman continued to grow, amidst the economic challenges of high inflation and interest rates and increasing costs. We adapted to these challenges and the uncertainty and we are proud of how our District has responded.

Three years on and we are reviewing that plan, guiding the delivery of services and amenities, the development and maintenance of the District and how we are going to pay for it. We can now build for the future, not only with new infrastructure but to also ensure the current assets are capable of many more years of service. Neglecting the latter effectively ‘kicking the can down the road’ will only cost everyone more in the future.

The information on these pages summarises what we are proposing for the next 10 years, provides some options, and asks for your views and feedback.

It sets out what essential services we are going to deliver, what partnerships and opportunities we will leverage, and how we balance the impacts of continuing growth while meeting expectations and the ongoing changes in legislative direction.

Our Te Tauihu Together relationship agreement, between the eight Te Tauihu mana whenua iwi and the three Top of the South councils, will assist us to care for the health and well being of our people and our places.

There is uncertainty about how the new Government’s legislative programme will affect what and how we deliver. We will investigate further partnerships with Nelson City Council for the delivery of three waters services and explore the benefits of further collaboration more generally. We have made allowances for these impending changes as best we can in this 10-Year Plan, such as reviewing our resource management programmes governing land use, housing and policies affecting our natural environment. Even so, some uncertainty remains. As a unitary council, where the role and responsibilities of a regional council and territorial authority are merged into one council, the impact of this uncertainty is magnified. We will ensure the basic services are delivered well, enhanced where possible, and are financially sustainable.

With financial sustainability being a key factor, we took a very close look at our business, reviewing all our plans and work programmes. We are mindful that communities continue to evolve, and as such the demand for facilities like the Motueka pool, and community centres in Waimea South, Tapawera and Murchison are considered. We look to your input for the trade-offs that must be made in supplying these amenities and the impact on rates and debt.

We live in a special place. So, when reflecting on the feedback that was received in our early engagement discussions with Tasman's communities for this plan, it was very clear that the special qualities of the Tasman District should not be lost as we continue to grow and evolve.

Navigating the next decade requires a balance between delivering important services and maintaining affordability. By implementing a 10-Year Plan that prioritises essential infrastructure while safeguarding vital community services we are committing to a sustainable future for all of Tasman.

Consultation on the plan is open for a month as we seek your feedback before we make any final decisions prior to the proposed plan being finalised in late June.

Tim King


Your choices, your future

There are four key areas where there are choices to be made and options within each, which we would like your feedback on.

Planned projects

The projects we have planned for our community between 2024 and 2034 include:
  • Timeline item 1 - active


    • Tapawera water treatment plant upgrade (2024 – 2026)
    • Lower Queen Street widening (2024 – 2027)
    • Redwood Valley water treatment plant and pumping station upgrade (2024 – 2027)
    • Waimea Plains Water and Wastewater Plan investment programme (2024 – 2032)
    • Richmond south growth programme: Water supply and wastewater reticulation upgrades, the continued development of Borck Creek, and transport upgrades (2024 – 2034)
    • New wastewater trunk infrastructure and pump stations, from Wakefield to Beach Road, Richmond (2024 – 2034)
    • Digital Innovation Programme (2024 – 2034)
    • Sealed road maintenance: Significant increase in investment to address deterioration of road condition (2024 – 2034)
  • Timeline item 2 - active


    • Tapawera Community Hub (2025 – 2027)
    • Waimea South Community Facility (2025 – 2028)
    • Dovedale water supply: New source and raw water
      line from the Motueka River Valley (2025 – 2028)
    • Expand the existing materials recovery facility building (2026 – 2027)
    • Motueka Swimming Pool (2026 – 2029)
  • Timeline item 3 - active


    • Māpua water supply upgrades to service growth (2029 – 2031)
    • Seaton Valley stormwater improvements (2029 – 2032)
  • Timeline item 4 - active

    2030 - 2034

    • New wastewater treatment plants at Motueka and Tākaka, to address a lack of resilience and capacity at the existing plants (2030 – 2034)
    • Brightwater, Wakefield, and Eighty-Eight Valley supply water reticulation, new source and new water treatment plant
    • Murchison Sports, Recreation and Cultural Centre – Stage 2 development (2032 – 2034)
    • A programme of work that contributes to climate change adaptation and mitigation

Also consulting on ...

As we form Tasman's 10-Year Plan, there are several policies and plans that must weave together. These are closely related to Tasman’s 10-Year Plan and the proposed changes to the fees and charges and policies are reflected in the financial modelling underpinning the 10-Year Plan.

Submissions on these documents also close on 28 April 2024.

Activity Management Plans

Activity Management Plans set out a 30-year programme for the management of the services we provide to our community.

Council has an obligation to manage our District’s assets and deliver its activities in an effective, cost-efficient, sustainable, well-planned and coordinated manner. Activity Management Plans outline the strategic direction for Council’s key activities and links this to the levels of service that we have set to achieve anticipated outcomes for our community. 

Activity Management Plans are necessary given the large value of our assets and the associated capital and operating expenditure that is required to maintain agreed levels of service.