Wakefield Stakeholders Workshop notes

A workshop with invited stakeholders from the Wakefield community was held on 27 March to discuss ideas to feed into the next 10-Year Plan for Tasman.

Overall Summary

Key themes were:

  • Planned growth. Uncertainty around how the infrastructure will keep pace with housing growth.
  • Concern over keeping the character of the village during growth.
  • Support for alternative transport choices (modal shift) and changes that are needed to cycling/walking infrastructure, bus service, and speed limits.
  • Speed up the community centre project and be more transparent with engagement around it.

Existing Local Issues/Plans

  • New bus services to Wakefield/Brightwater and Motueka/Māpua and transitioning to an electric bus fleet (commences in mid-2023).

Supported. Conversations around when it will begin and if there are opportunities to extend its range of services in the future. Cost was discussed and bus clearways to make the service more efficient. Public transport in general is seen as a need to help combat road congestion.

It was suggested that the Council charge for parking in Richmond to help offset the cost of public transport and remove the ‘time pressure’ of the limited free parking.

  • Supported Wakefield Community Bus

Neutral. Some confusion around if the bus service would continue with the new bus service. The existing community bus was seen as a positive and general feeling that it would be a shame to lose it.

  • Adopted the Walking and Cycling Strategy – with new walking and cycling paths in Wakefield (including footpath at Eighty-Eight Valley)

Supported. Discussions around how they could be extended (currently end abruptly) and how more ‘on road’ but separated cycling infrastructure could be created for commuter cycling, which has a focus on speed and shortest possible distance to destination. Improved cycling infrastructure supported as a way of combating increasing congestion.

  • Wakefield growth plan change - expected growth over the next decade.

Neutral - uncertainty on the pressure growth would put on Wakefield - transport, community, ‘character’, shops, community facilities. Lack of clarity on, or confidence in, the big picture around growth.

  • Working on plans for a new Brightwater/Wakefield Community facility

Supported. Some frustration at speed of engagement/progress. A strong desire to see the project moved into years 1-3 and progress to be made in planning. Seen as a vital part of the community.

Small Group Discussions

Wider issues were discussed in small groups. You can read the full notes from the workshop here for details.

Any other issues?

If you'd like to make a comment on any of the issues raised above or if there's something new you want to add - post it here.
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